With plenty of New Year’s resolutions flying around at the moment, I’m sure we can all agree that it’s time to change. Whether you plan on doing so by attending the gym or cutting out bad habits, we’ll all be changing this year, so why not change your car too?
Whether you currently outsource the management of your large fleet of company vehicles or you’re at the very beginning of your journey into company vehicles, the marketplace can be daunting and the process can quickly become overwhelming. This is why we recognise more than most, that finding a fleet provider who is willing to gain a clear understanding of your short-, medium- and long-term objectives is vital in order to structure a vehicle policy that is aligned, relevant and fit for purpose.
As February 2022 edges closer as each day passes, we are reminded that February is host to Valentine’s Day, which makes us wonder… are you feeling unloved by your current provider?
Looking to change your Fleet Management provider?
If you feel that your current fleet provider doesn’t care about your present and future vehicle hire objectives, then why not contact our team? We offer a range of review services that allow us to identify gaps in your current leasing strategy and allow us to tailor to your needs. This is made easier due to the variety of fleet management services we have available, such as contract hire and finance lease, fleet outsourcing and accident management, daily rental, salary sacrifice and public sector leasing. Plus, we can even buy your existing fleet vehicles from you.
This year, our new year’s resolution is to do nothing… we plan on offering the same high level of service as we have since 1960, we will continue to provide quality vehicles for all your fleet needs. We do of course constantly update the delivery of our high-class service with modern technologies and new services to keep us ahead of the game. As the 25th largest leasing and fleet management company, our team is the best source of knowledge and recommendations who can guide you through the maze of professional services currently available in order to make a change.
With two ISO certificates to prove it, we take pride in working for a business which puts our customers first as well as being mindful about reducing our environmental impact. As we are constantly striving to positively impact our environmental footprint and work within the ISO 14001 framework, we can truthfully say that we practice what we preach as the times are changing. ISO 9001 ensures that we deliver our services at a high level of quality.
If you would like to see us in person to discuss your fleet management, we will be again attending Fleet and Mobility Live 2022
Why should you take the leap into Electric Vehicles?
Along with the rise of ethical consumerism in everyday life, the need for adaptability is vital as the demand for electric cars is becoming more imminent. This is why sourcing your vehicles through TCH Leasing doesn’t only make the process of fleet management easier, but it also allows you to be ultimately flexible. The ability to change your vehicle is now more important than ever due to upcoming changes in government policies such as changes to the plug-in grant and the banning of sales of all new conventional petrol and diesel cars and vans in 2030. If this doesn’t quite push you towards electric vehicles, then the availability of charging points may convince you, starting in 2022, all new houses and offices will be required to have electric vehicle charging points in order to make electric vehicles accessible to everyone.